Li Po
"Before your noble words I am humbled. The culture of China some day will be a light to which all men look up. And the poet who will add great luster to it, is Li Po. I lingered for a moment before entering this garden to talk to Tu Fu. To my amazement I discovered that he was your friend."
"Tu Fu in Changan!" Li Po cried incredulously. "Why I thought he failed in the examinations!"
"But he did not fail in the eyes of his Emperor. I have given him a position at Court."
Ho Chih-chang sat near by, abundantly pleased at the informality with which Li Po had been received by Ming Huang. His interest was intense. He was thankful for the privilege of being permitted to listen. Being a true poet, there was no jealousy in his being; being a true statesman he was inordinately pleased that his introducing Li Po to the Emperor was having such a happy effect.
And Li Po said, "Tu Fu is like an Elder Brother. Who strikes one of us, wounds both. Who honors one of us, honors both. I am deeply grateful, your Majesty that you have found a place for him at Court. He is a marvelous poet."
"And he chooses his friends well. I have only one fault to find with him, he never mentioned that he knew Li Po."
"Why should he? I am but a wanderer, too lazy to work, lacking in incentive. All day long I waste my time in wine shops."
"What matter if the wine be good?"