eyes that never since she had come to him had he de* sired her more. Perhaps it would not be so bad an idea for him to go on a long journey. She smiled and her teeth were like camomile flowers. When her old Amah came to her, trembling with fear, Yang Kuei-fei was smiling. Once more she was like a little girl who needed mothering.
She loved the way the gentle old woman fussed about her.
Impulsively, she made her a present of an exquisitely carved jade ring. The old Amah had never been more happy, but she could not understand this new mood that had come over her adorable Princess.
The morning of the Emperor's departure on the Tai Shan pilgrimage there was great excitement at the palace. From forty thousand horses in the Emperor's stables, two thousand of the best had to be selected—a thousand to carry soldiers to guard His Majesty, a thousand for sundry officials and servants. In addition there would be two thousand mules carrying supplies. The saddles had to be carefully adjusted. Broken saddles might result in executions for carelessness. The saddles were curved upwards both in front and in back, leaving a hollow in the center.
Ming Huang invited Li Po to accompany him. Dr. Wang Wei would go along, too, for a part of the distance. Then he would off and proceed to his home in
the quietude of the mountains. His brother, Wang