Li Po
plain to the Emperor that they despised him because of the ingratiating way he furthered the pampering of the capricious Yang Kuei-fei? To oppose such actions would be to woo banishment.
The return of the caravan from Tai Shan was, in the words of Li Po, as swift as a swallow's wing. Though this was poetical exaggeration the truth was that the return journey had taken little more than half the time, and both horses and riders were exhausted. A good third of the company, unable to keep up the pace had fallen back with the mules.
As soon as the Emperor was bathed and fittingly attired he went to Yang Kuei-fei's apartment. Never had the warmth of her greeting been more sincere. With girdle unfastened, she came to him, weeping at the sheer joy of having him with her again. This time it was he who tore off her garments and tossed them in delicate disorder about the room.
Li Po wandered off in search of his friend, Ho Chih-chang.
"Come, Ho, the Devil!" he cried. "Let us fall down a well together, but this time pick one that is filled with wine. I have a thirst so acute that I doubt if there is enough wine in the province to slake it."
"There is a new drink," Chih-chang told him, "in-