Page:Frank Owen - The Scarlett Hill, 1941.djvu/264

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An Lu-shan

An Lu-shan refused to give up his interest in military affairs.

"I ask no more than to be in a position to defend my country," he said humbly.

Ming Huang was so impressed that he raised him to the rank of Generalissimo. An Lu-shan was elated. This would be a position of unlimited authority since he was a protégé of Li Lin-fu whose wishes Ming Huang never opposed.

Thereafter An Lu-shan divided his time between raising the best and largest army in the Empire, and intrigue at the Palace where both the Emperor and the bewitching Yang Kuei-fei called him "son." Nor was he entirely oblivious to the stir he was causing among the three thousand Palace ladies. Some of them were quite lovely. They might be useful when no other entertainment was available.


And now it seemed as though Yang Kuei-fei was sorry for that interlude in the garden, when she had been plagued by adulterous thoughts. By her ministrations to the Emperor, she was striving for purification.

If that were her purpose, ably did she accomplish it. The Emperor was gratified at the immeasurable increase in the warmth of her affection. She cuddled up in his lap like a child and slept, not even awakening when he carried her to the scarlet bed.

More and more he left the affairs of the court to Li

Lin-fu, confident that they would be ably administered.