his gaudy uniform was spoiled by the slobber of wine.
Kuo Kuo had fallen asleep, exhausted.
"I am still Kuo-chung," he cried, "Prime Minister of China!"
Except for Kuo Kuo, he had confided the defeat to no one.
Although he was unaware of it, An Lu-shan, too, had been kept informed of the progress of the irrational battle. An Lu-shan smiled grimly. A fool with no experience whatsoever had arisen to dispute his power. It had been but transient opposition.
To Yang Kuei-fei, An Lu-shan's personality underwent a fascinating change. The intensity of his desire in no way diminished, but he ceased to be a buffoon. Even his laughter was more subdued. No longer did his voice boom at drum pitch. He lived but to do her will, and was thoughtful of her every comfort.
When she chided him about being so serious, he said, "I am concerned with plans so elaborate for our future, if you knew them you would be astounded."
"Plans for my future are already made," she said quickly, "nor would I have them changed in the slightest detail."
"But all this cannot go on," he told her, "things cannot remain stagnant. The earth advances. The sun does not pause. The Emperor is an old man. He cannot five forever."
"He can, in my memory."