Page:Frank Owen - The Wind That Tramps the World (1929).djvu/68

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The Inverted House

was mostly with quaint houses, quaint treasures, quaint people. That is why reference to Yuan Shi Kai and his house aroused his enthusiasm.

Through Wong Foo he contrived to get audience with Yuan Shi Kai. It was on a morning when the peach-blossoms were fragrant in the garden that Ras Orla arrived at the Inverted House. Yuan Shi Kai welcomed him royally. He ordered tea to be brought into the Lacquer Room in which he always received his guests.

"You are welcome for as long as you care to grace my poor house with your presence," he said cordially. "It pleases me that you cared sufficiently to turn from the road upon which you were walking to enter my humble gate."

Ras Orla accepted the cup which Yuan Shi Kai extended to him. It was as fragile as a lotus blossom. The tea was green. He lifted it slowly to his lips and slowly sipped the aromatic beverage.

"Would I be presuming," he murmured, "if I expressed my appreciation of this superb beverage?"

"Not in the slightest," was the reply. "In fact I should be pleased to hear your opinion."

"It is like unto nothing I have ever tasted," declared Ras Orla fervently. "What secret is hidden in this cup?"

Yuan Shi Kai smiled. He seemed well pleased.

"I am gratified," he said, "that you have derived pleasure from it. It is the same tea which my father's