Page:Frank Owen - The Wind That Tramps the World (1929).djvu/73

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The Inverted House

lotuses and chrysanthemums. But it was the fragile orchids that enthralled Ras Orla most. Some were purple with black dots in the petals, others were lily-white, blue, gray and pink, startling in the vividness of their coloring. One gorgeous flower was bright yellow, yellow as gold, yellow as the sun, yellow as the cheek of an exquisite China girl. It cast off a perfume of sheer enticement. Even the wondrous blue poppies could not compare with it in alluring fragrance. That hall was drenched in beauty, beauty that was as rich, soft, cool and fragrant as the morning dew.

Yuan Shi Kai's face was glowing. His eyes glittered and he staggered somewhat as he walked as though he were drunk from the essence and magnificence of the flowers.

"Is there any sight of earth more dazzling than this?" gasped Ras Orla.

"Only one other," replied Yuan Shi Kai gravely. "One other there is that sends even the glory of the orchids into eclipse. Come," he ended abruptly, "come with me into the Jade Room and I will tell you a story which will perhaps amaze you. It will amaze you because it is true. The real is always less believable than the imagined."

As he spoke he opened a hidden door which owing to the green maze Ras Orla had not even perceived. The next moment they were in a room of jewels, a room wherein were diamonds and pearls, sapphires, jades, tourmalines, amethysts, lapis lazuli and black