Page:Frank Owen - The Wind That Tramps the World (1929).djvu/90

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The Blue City

possible for one to gaze into the Spiritual World if one's vision was sufficiently tuned? Not only is it possible but it has been done. I have wandered through a silent Blue City, a city of peace and contentment and rest, city of soft whispers and sweet tones, of beauty and rare love. Come with me upon a pilgrimage. You have not long to live, six months at best, and I will take you to realms that will make your passing splendid."

Hwei-Ti was interested. He leaned forward. "Where is this city of which you speak?"

Woo Ling-foh extended his hands. "Who knows?" he said slowly. "Who knows the exact position of anything? Most places exist only if you believe in them enough."

In the early evening the old mystic stopped for Hwei-Ti at his garden. The sun was setting and the rose-tinted lights of late afternoon splashed on the mountains in gorgeous splendor. They walked on and on, without heat or hurry. The air was cool and refreshing, in strange variance to the humid heat of the day that had passed. Gradually the rose-tinted lights faded, giving place to purpling mists as night crept into its own. Onward they continued up a winding mountainroad, a road upon which no other wayfarers walked, a road deserted, sad, rough. Woo Ling-foh said nothing nor did Hwei-Ti although it was true that the rich merchant's interest and enthusiasm were raised to a pitch never attained before. He felt as though as he