Page:Frank Owen - Woman Without Love (1949 reprint).djvu/158

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Heaven. I know Madame Leota. I know Mary Blaine. They are one and the same woman. I also know this third woman, the glorious woman she should have been and has become in spite of everything. It is my absolute belief that the defendant is attempting to sacrifice herself because she imagines Dorothy Blaine would be smirched by association with her if the facts ever became known to the world. In this connection I am reminded of a story which I once read. It was called 'The Dust of God.' In it there was a strange parable, an old belief. This it was, as nearly as I can recall: 'I was brought up to believe that the silver shower flying through the sky was really the Dust of God. As He walked along the Blue Highway of the Universe His white flowing robes, which men call the Milky Way, brushed against the star-flowers, causing the golden pollen to be swept about by the wind. This is the Dust of God and sometimes it falls to earth and sprinkles upon the shoulders of a man. Such a man is doubly blessed, for no matter how hard he tries he cannot be aught in the final analysis, but is a saint among men.' And I say to you, this woman who has been variously known as Louella Leota and Mary Blaine, this great lady, too, has had the Dust of God fall upon her shoulders. Therefore, anyone who now associates with her can only be uplifted. I thank whatever gods there be that I number her among my most cherished friends."

There was a hush as Ivan Alter left the witness box. No attempt was made to cross-examine him.

"Your Honor," began Phil Gould, "I had several more witnesses to call, including Dorothy Blaine who wished to plead for the defense. I also have many letters written by Templeton Blaine to his sister. Also her letters to him. These have been procured in a rather nefarious manner, perilously close to being polite burglary. However, I have now decided not to place anything more in evidence. The defense rests."

Louella Leota sat with bowed head. Her fingers were working nervously. She was trying perilously hard not to weep. She was unutterably nervous. What a fool she had been not to bring her snuff-box.

Judge Jarrot studied a memorandum on his desk for a mo-