Page:Frank Owen - Woman Without Love (1949 reprint).djvu/77

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maybe bring on a panic among young men when she grows older."

"What do you think of Dorothy?" mused Helen.

"It's a pretty name," he agreed, "and sweet. Come to think of it, it's perfect."

So Dorothy the baby became, but even so, it did not prevent a panic among the young men when she grew older.

From the very start, Dorothy gave evidence of being strong-minded, like her father.

When she was five days old she commenced to plan her own life. She would clutch at the blankets as though she were trying to embroider. And as for crying, she was a past master. No feeble little cries for Dorothy. Nothing but tremendous wails would do. As a result, those about her would do anything to end the wails. Fortunately she did not cry often, or her mother would have had a nervous breakdown. As a rule she was as sunny as the Spring day on which she was born.

Dorothy and her father were great pals from her babyhood. It was not remarkable that, later, as soon as she was able to walk, they would ramble through Central Park every morning before he went to his office. He was not nearly as punctual at his desk as before she came. He simply couldn't tear himself away from his little girl. It was a camaraderie that was to last all through the years. They were pals. He would have bought her the moon on margin if she had wanted it.

Louella Leota arrived in Peoria at noon of the day following that on which she had decided to leave Chicago. She went by an early morning train so that she would have a little time to look about. Perhaps she would be able to find rooms that would be suitable for her purposes before nightfall. But when she reached Peoria she changed her mind. She decided she'd stop for a few days at the Hotel Niagra where she had stayed so briefly with Ed Trine. She could not help laughing as she thought of his hasty exit. As soon as he found she was in trouble, he fled. Oh gallant hero! Don Juan with a yellow streak! Casanova with trembling knees!

She remained at the Niagra for almost a week. It was rest-