Page:Frank Owen - Woman Without Love (1949 reprint).djvu/83

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first time he had done that since moving to Fifth Avenue. Nor was he aware that he did. He had come to a big decision. Other men might reap war profits. He was through. He wanted no more of that kind of money.

That night he told Helen he intended enlisting. He would go to France where his knowledge of railroading would help in the movement and shifting of troops. Helen was white as she listened. But she made no objection. It was fine of him, she thought. He was far over draft age and there was little chance he would ever be called. He had the opportunity to double his fortune. Yet in this supreme moment he cared nothing for money.

His wife was proud of Templeton Blaine. So, too, was his sister Mary when she heard. It was Louella Leota's greatest contribution to the War, in spite of the money she spent.

Three months later Templeton sailed for France. Through influence in Washington he was commissioned a major. He was a born leader. Men liked him. He was fair, and he worked as hard as any of those under him. In France he made no effort to bask in the lime-light. He worked as long hours as he had ever worked in Wall Street. When the war was over he returned to his desk in Broad Street, and few even knew he had been away.

Louella learned all that gradually, as she had at first learned of his success. She was glad for him and proud of him, but thankful for herself that he never asked her to come and take up her residence with him.

Nor did he ever tell her, in his brief letters, much about his personal affairs, except to mention that he was doing well and was quite able to help her out if ever she was in need of money. He did not give evidence that he was aware of her mode of living, so she naturally assumed he did not know.

Louella might have remained longer than ten years in the Peoria house had it not been for the sudden death of Jobyna. The two had grown to mean a great deal to each other. Jobyna was ever-thoughtful, ever-faithful. After she was gone, Louella could not stand the house. It made her sad. So she sold out and went to Nashville.