Page:Frank Packard - On the Iron at Big Cloud.djvu/27

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desperate cases sometimes require desperate remedies, and I don't know—but—that—" his fist shot out and caught Rafferty fairly on the point of the jaw—you're right!"

Rafferty, staggering back from the impact of the blow, set the table whirling. His feet went out from under him and he fell sprawling to the floor. As he picked himself up, Holman sprang toward him and swinging twice landed two vicious smashes on Rafferty's face. Then, except for a confused recollection of a rush of men, that was all Holman remembered until he opened his eyes to find himself in his bunk at headquarters with Carleton bending over him.

"You're a sight," Carleton commented grimly. "What was the muss about?"

Holman explained. "I took Rafferty's advice and plugged him, you see, and after that——"

"After that if it hadn't been for old Joe, the turner, running over here to tell us, they'd have killed you. Don't you know any better than to stack up against Rafferty like that, let alone the whole gang? Did you expect to do them all up?"

"No, not exactly. I expected there'd be something coming to me, but I had to do it. I'll admit, Carleton, I was in a blue funk, but I just had to. Moral effect, you know."

"Yes," said Carleton savagely, "the moral effect is great! It will be as much as your life is worth to put your head inside those shops again. You don't know the men you're dealing with out here."