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have come to an end long ago. But no! this would not have suited the book of the "peaceable and law-abiding" advocates of woman's suffrage. Their aim has been, and is still, to run with the "militant" hare and hunt with the "peaceable and law-abiding" hounds. While themselves abstaining from any unlawful act they are perfectly willing and desirous that they and their movement shall reap all the advantages of advertisement and otherwise that may accrue from the militant policy. That the above is a true state of the case as regards the "peaceful and law-abiding" elements in the suffragist movement, which we are assured so largely outnumber the militant section, one would think must be plain to everyone, however obtuse, who has followed with attention the course of the present agitation. And yet there are fools of the male sex who consider seriously this preposterous plea of the injustice of refusing to concede the suffrage to a large number of "peaceable and law-abiding" women who are demanding it, because of the action of a small body of violent females—with whom, bien entendu, the aforesaid large body of "peaceable and law-abiding" women (while keeping themselves carefully aloof from active participation in militancy), do not pretend to conceal their sympathy!

The whole modern woman's movement is based, in a measure, at least, on an assumption which is absolutely unfounded—to wit, that man has