Page:Frazer (1890) The Golden Bough (IA goldenboughstudy02fraz).djvu/397

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Aachen, fire festival at, ii. 251
Aargau, trees planted at births in, ii. 330
Aberdeenshire, ceremony at the cutting of the last sheaf in, i. 345
Abyssinia, rain-making on the out-skirts of, i. 53
Abyssinian festivals, ii. 171
Acagchemen tribe, adoration of the buzzard by the, ii. 90, 91
Adonis, myth and worship of, i. 279-282, 296; connection with vegetation, i. 281; gardens of, i. 284-296; rites of, similar to those of Osiris, i. 319, 320; probable origin of the cult of, i. 363; lament of, i. 280, 399; as a pig, ii. 49, 50
Aegira, blood drunk at, before prophesying, i. 34
Aethiopian kings confined to their palaces, i. 164
Afghan Boundary Mission, reception of the, by the natives, i. 155
Afghanistan, reception of strangers in, i. 155
Africa, weather kings common in, i. 44; reluctance to accept the crown in some parts of West, i. 118, 119; priestly kings on the west coast of, i. 112; human heart eaten in the Shire Highlands of, ii. 89
Ague, cure for, ii. 153
Aht Indians, seclusion of girls amongst the, ii. 229, 230
Ain, May-day customs in the Département de l’, i. 88
Aino type of sacrament, ii. 134-136
Ainos, bear festival of the, ii. 101-105; preparation for fishing, ii. 122; treatment of the bear, ii. 132
Alaskan sable hunters, ii. 116
Alban hills, i. 1; mount, i. 2
Albania, Easter Eve custom in, i. 276; ii. 181; scapegoat in, ii. 201, 202; beating in, ii. 216
Alexandria, commemoration of the death of Adonis and Aphrodite at, i. 279, 280
Alfoers, function of their high priest Leleen, i. 166; ceremony for restoring the soul, i. 134, 135; priest’s hair uncut, i. 194; priest sows the first rice seed and plucks the first ripe rice, ii. 71; driving away the devil by the, ii. 159
Algeria, midsummer fires in, ii. 266
Alligator, the man-eating, ii. 109
Alps, May-day custom in the, i. 104
Altisheim, harvest custom in, i. 337
Altmark, Whitsuntide customs in, i. 98; Easter bonfires, ii. 254
Amboina, soul-abstracting in, i. 139, 140; sprinkling the sick with spices in, i. 154; hair burying in, i. 201; disease boats in, ii. 188; strength thought to be in the hair in, ii. 328; offerings of first-fruits in, ii. 377
Amenhôtep IV and the sun-god, i. 314, 315
America, belief in the resurrection of the buffalo in the western prairies of, ii. 123
Amnion, rage of the sun-god Ra against, i. 315; rams held sacred by the worshippers of, ii. 92, 93
Andamanese belief in the reflection as the soul, i. 145
Anderida, wealds of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, remnants of the forest of, i. 57
Angel-man, beheading the, ii. 267
Angoulême, custom of burning a poplar on St. Peter’s Day in, i. 101
Angoy, king of, must have no bodily defects, i. 221
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