Page:Frazer (1890) The Golden Bough (IA goldenboughstudy02fraz).djvu/401

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Canelos Indians, their belief of the soul in the portrait, i. 148
Cannibalism, ii. 88, 89
Capital offences, i. 162, 190
Carcassonne, hunting the wren in, ii. 143, 144.
Caribs, the, belief in the plurality of souls, ii. 339
Carinthia, ceremonies on St. George’s Day in, i. 84, 85; ceremony at the installation of a prince of, i. 232, 233
Carmona, custom in, ii. 184, 185
Carnival, ceremony of burying the, i. 244, 252-257, 270, 272
Carnival Fool, i. 256
Carpathus islanders, reluctance to have their likenesses drawn, i. 148, 149; transference of sickness by the, ii. 154
Cashmere stories, the external soul in, ii. 302-304
Cat, the corn-spirit as a, ii. 11, 12; burnt, ii. 283
Caterpillars, method of freeing a garden from, ii. 130
Cattle, trees and, i. 72 sq.; driven through the fire, ii. 273
Cedar, the sacred, of Gilgit, i. 69
Celebes, the, and the soul, i. 123-125; custom regarding infested persons, i. 154; superstition regarding the knife, i. 177; blood not spilt on the ground by the, i. 182; custom at a birth, ii. 329; harvest festival, ii. 376
Celtic human sacrifices, ii. 278-284; the external soul in Celtic stories, ii. 313, 314
Ceram, rain-making in, i. 13; superstition regarding the blood of women in, i. 187; hair cutting superstition in, i. 194; ii. 328; disease boats in, ii. 185, 186; ceremony in epidemic, ii. 187; seclusion of girls in, ii. 229; initiation ceremony, ii. 354-356
Chaeronea, human scapegoat in, ii. 210, 211
Chambéry, threshing ceremony at, ii. 23
Chedooba, ceremony on felling a tree in the island of, i. 64
Cheremiss, expulsion of Satan by the, ii. 180, 181
Cherokee Indians, purification festival of the, ii. 166, 167
Chester, procession of mock giant at, ii. 281
Chibchas, weather kings of the, i. 44
Children sacrificed by their parents, i. 235-237
Chile, preservation of cut hair in, i. 204
China, emperors of, offer public sacrifices, i. 8; rain-charm in, i. 18; emperor held responsible for drought, etc. , i. 49; abstention from knives after a death in, i. 177; ceremony to welcome the return of spring in, ii. 42, 43; special seat of courage amongst the Chinese, ii. 87; cannibalism in, ii. 89; human scapegoat in, ii. 191; festival of the aboriginal tribes of, ii. 193
Chios, rites of Dionysus at, i. 329
Chippeways, seclusion of women amongst the, ii. 239, 240
Chiriguanos, seclusion of girls by the, ii. 231
Chitomé, the, i. 113-115; not allowed to die a natural death, i. 217, 218
Cholera, driving away, ii. 161, 189, 191
Chontal Indians, the nagual amongst the, ii. 333
Christian, Captain, shooting of, i. 181
Christmas customs, i. 60, 334; ii. 6, 7, 29-31, 141, 142, 144
Chrudim, ceremony of carrying out Death at, i. 259, 260
Chuwash, the, test of a suitable sacrificial victim, i. 36
Circassians, the pear-tree believed to be the protector of cattle by the, i. 73
Circumcision, i. 171
Clucking-hen, ii. 8
Cobern, fire festival at, ii. 250
Cobra Capella, sacrifice of the, ii. 94, 95
Cock, the corn-spirit as a, ii. 7-10
Columbia River, Indians of the, and the salmon, ii. 121, 122
Comanches, rain-charm used by the, i. 18
Compitalia, festival of the, ii. 83
Congo belief in the souls of trees, i. 60; the Chitomé in the kingdom of, i. 113; negroes and soul selling, i. 139; initiatory rites in the valley of the, ii. 345, 346
Coorg rice-harvest ceremonies, ii. 72, 73
Corea, kings of, confined to their palaces, i. 164; may not be touched, i. 172; tigers’ bones valuable in, ii. 87
Corn drenched as a rain-charm, i. 286; double personification of the, i. 358, 359; reaper, binder, or thresher wrapt up in corn, i. 370, 371
—— baby, ii. 23
—— goat, ii. 13, 14
—— mother, i. 232, 233; a prototype of Demeter, i. 356