Page:Frazer (1890) The Golden Bough (IA goldenboughstudy02fraz).djvu/406

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Halmahera, rain-making in, i. 13, 21
Hampstead, forest of, i. 57
Hare, the corn-spirit as a, ii. 10 sq.
Harran, ritual observed by the heathen Syrians of, i. 283
Harvest child, a name given to the last sheaf, i. 344
—— cock, a name given to the last sheaf, ii. 7, 8
—— cries, i. 404-409
—— customs, i. 333-347, 352, 353, 367-381, 408; ii. 4-27, 32, 47, 48, 68-73, 213
—— festival, i. 169; ii. 171, 172, 374-376, 382-384
—— goat, ii. 13
—— maiden, a prototype of Proserpine, i. 356
—— May, i. 68, 69, 81, 82; ii. 4
—— omens, ii. 271
—— queen, i. 344
—— songs and cries, ii. 364-366, 404-409
Harz Mountains, Easter fires in the, ii. 253
Hawaii, detention of the soul in, i. 139; capital offences in, i. 190
Hay family, the, and the mistletoe, ii. 362
Head, sanctity of the, i. 187-193; ceremony at the washing of the, i. 188
Headache, transference of, ii. 149
Headington, May-day custom at, i. 94, 95
Heaven, the Golden Bough between heaven and earth, ii. 223-243
Hebrides, representation of spring in the, i. 97
Heligoland, disappearance of the herring from, ii. 120
Herbrechtingen, threshing custom in, ii. 22
Hercynian forest, i. 56, 57
Hereford, sin eaters in, ii. 154, 155
Herefordshire, midsummer fires in, ii. 262
Hermsdorf, harvest custom in, i. 338
Herodotus, story by, of the wind fighters of Psylli, i. 29
Herring, disappearance of the, from Heligoland, ii. 120
Hertfordshire harvest custom, ii. 24
Hessen, Ash Wednesday custom in, ii. 29; sowing-time customs in, ii. 48
Hidatsa Indians, belief in the plurality of souls amongst the, ii. 339
Hierapolis, pigs sacred at, ii. 50
Himalayas, scapegoats in the Western, ii. 194
Hindoo cure for the murrain, ii. 191; festival of Ingathering, ii. 272; girls and puberty, ii. 234, 235; the external soul in Hindoo stories, ii. 298-302
Hindoos, the, test of a suitable sacrificial victim, i. 36; Hindoos and yawning, i. 123; custom of nail cutting by the, i. 196; festival at the eating of the new rice by the, ii. 73
Hindoo Koosh, smoke from the sacred tree inhaled by the sybil, i. 35; blood sucking the test of a diviner amongst the, ib.; expulsion of devils amongst the, ii. 173
Hippolytus, i. 6
Holland, Whitsuntide custom in, i. 88; Easter fires, ii. 253
Holstein, reaping custom in, i. 333; healing effects of the mistletoe in, ii. 289
Hornkampe, harvest custom in, i. 337
Horse, the corn-spirit as a, ii. 24-26; sacrifice of the, ii. 64
Horses excluded from the Arician grove, i. 6
—— and Virbius, ii. 62-64
Hos, harvest festival amongst the, ii. 171, 172; time of licence with the, ii. 204; offering of first-fruits by the, ii. 374
Hottentot priests do not use iron, i. 173; wind-charm, i. 27, 28; sheep driven through the fire by the, ii. 273
Hovas of Madagascar, offerings of first-fruits by the, ii. 374
How, coffer of Osiris at, i. 309
Huahine, offerings of first-fruits in, ii. 381
Huitzilopochtli, dough image of the Mexican god, made and eaten, ii. 81
Human sacrifices, i. 235-237, 251, 252, 381; replaced by mock sacrifices, i. 250-253
—— victim represents the corn-spirit, i. 390-395
Hungary, Whitsuntide custom in, i. 93; the external soul in Hungarian stories, ii. 320, 321
Hunger, expulsion of, ii. 210, 211
Hunting the wren, ii. 140-144
Hurons, the, and fish bones, ii. 119; their idea of the soul, i. 122; driving away sickness amongst the, ii. 162
Huskanaw, the name of an initiatory ceremony amongst the Indians of Virginia, ii. 348
Hylæ, sacred men inspired by the image of Apollo at, i. 37

Ibo, king of, confined to his premises, i. 164