Page:Frazer (1890) The Golden Bough (IA goldenboughstudy02fraz).djvu/415

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Sacramental killing of sacred animal by pastoral peoples, ii. 135-138
Sacraments in ancient Mexico, ii. 78, 79
Sacred cattle in Egypt, ii. 60, 61
—— persons’ vessels not to be used by others, i. 166; sacred persons are dangerous, i. 166, 167; not allowed to see the sun, ii. 225, 243 note; not allowed to touch the ground, ii. 224, 243 note
Sacredness and uncleanness not distinguished by primitive man, i. 169-172
Sacrifices, human, i. 235-237, 251, 252
Sacrificial king, i. 7
Saddle Island, the reflection and the soul in the, i. 145
Saffron Walden, May-day custom in, i. 76
Sagar, influenza in, ii. 189, 190
Saligné, harvest custom in, i. 343
Salii, the, ii. 210 note
Salmon-catching, ii. 121, 122
Salza district. Shrove Tuesday custom in the, ii. 29
Salzwedel, Whitsuntide custom in, i. 90
Samoan gods, i. 39 ; ii. 54
Samoans, the, and bleeding trees, i. 61; recall of the soul amongst the, i. 135; turtle not eaten by the, i. 163; Samoans and the butterfly, ii. 56; presentation of first-fruits by the, ii. 381
Samogitians, tree superstition amongst the, i. 65; birds and beasts of the wood held sacred by the, i. 105
Samorin kings, i. 225
Samoyed story, the external soul in a, ii. 321
Sankara and his shadow, i. 142
Santals, story of a soul by the, i. 126
Sardinia, Gardens of Adonis in, i. 290
Satyrs, representation of the, ii. 35
Savage, our debt to the, i. 210-212
Savage Island, kings killed in the, i. 48; collapse of the monarchy in the, i. 118; killing of strangers in the, i. 158
Savages and the soul, i. 121, 122
"Sawing the old woman," i. 261, 262
Saxon villages, Whitsuntide custom in, i. 95
Saxons of Transylvania, charm for keeping sparrows from the corn used by the, ii. 130
Saxony, Whitsuntide ceremonies in, i. 243
Scandinavian Christmas custom, ii. 29
Scapegoat, ii. 182-217; animal employed as a, ii. 189-191, 194 sq.; human, ii. 191 sq.; dog used as a, ii. 194, 195; Tibetan ceremony of the, ii. 197, 198; divine, ii. 199-201, 205; cow and bull as, ii. 201, 202; use of, in classical antiquity, ii. 208-217; reason for beating the, ii. 213-215
Schaumburg, Easter fires in, ii. 253
Schluckenau, Shrovetide custom in, i. 244
Scotland, representation of spring in the Highlands of, i. 97; iron as a charm in, i. 175, 176; harvest custom in, i. 339, 345; cowherd clothed in cow’s hide in the Highlands of, ii. 145, 146; midsummer fires in, ii. 264, 265
Scythian kings put in bonds in times of scarcity, i. 46
Sea-lion, respect for the, ii. 111
Seal, respect for the, ii. 111
Self-immolation, i. 216, 224
Semites, sacrifice of children by the, i. 235; the king’s son sacrificed, ib.; worship of Adonis, i. 279
Senegambia, the Python clan in, ii. 95; soul detention among the Sereres of, i. 139
Senjero, first-born sacrificed in, i. 236, 237
Servia, rain-making in, i. 16; torch-light procession in, ii. 266
Seven Oaks, May-day custom in, i. 76
Sex-totems in Australia, ii. 334-337
Shadow, the soul in the, i. 141-149
Shamans, the, sacrifice their chief on account of pestilence, i. 48
Shans, expulsion of the fire-spirit by the, ii. 178, 179
Shark Point the home of the priestly King Kukulu, i. 112
Sharp instruments supposed to wound spirits, i. 176, 177
Sheaf, the last, various names given to, and ceremonies in connection with, i. 336-338, 340-346, 408; ii. 4, 7, 8, 68
Shepherd’s Isle, precautions taken against strangers in, i. 152, 153
Shetland seamen and wind buying, i. 27
Shropshire, “Neck” the name given to the last handful of corn in, i. 407, 408; harvest custom, ii. 24, 25; sin-eating in, ii. 155
Shrovetide Bear, i. 254, 255
—— customs, i. 96, 244, 270; ii. 29, 250, 254-257, 283
Siam, soul superstition in, i. 59; mode of royal executions in, i. 179, 180; superstition concerning the head, i. 187, 188; temporary king of, i. 229;