Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/116

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for the motor-car traffic of plutocrats, who, by dint of "push," effrontery, and brazen impudence, manage to shout their income figures persistently in the ears of those whose high privilege it is to "give the lead" in social affairs. And to the shame of such exalted individuals be it said, that they listen, with ears stretched wide, to the yell of the huckster in stocks and shares; and setting aside every thought for the future of Great Britain and the highest honour of her sons and daughters, they sell their good word, their influence, and their favour easily, for so much cash down. Men and women who have the privilege of personally knowing, and frequently associating with the Royal Family, are known to accept payment for bringing such and such otherwise obscure persons under the immediate notice of the King; and it is a most unfortunate and regrettable fact that throughout the realm the word goes that no such obscure persons ever dine with their Sovereign without having paid the "middle man" for the privilege. It would be an easy matter for the present writer to name at least a dozen well-known society women, assuming to be "loyal," who make a very good thing out of their "loyalty" by accepting huge payments in exchange for their recommendation or introduction to Royal personages, and who add considerably to their incomes by such means, bringing the names of the King and Queen down to their own sordid level of bargain and sale, with a reckless disregard of the damaging results of such contemptible conduct. These are some of the very ladies who are most frequently favoured by notice at Court, and who occupy the position of