Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/157

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examples of the real pith and power of the United States. The American People are too great, too broad-minded, sane, and thorough, not to wish to shake off these aphides on their rose of life. They watch them "clearing out" for "Yew-rope" with perfect satisfaction. Said a charming American woman to me the other day—"What a pity it is that English people will keep on receiving Americans here who would not be tolerated for a moment in New York or Boston society! It surprises us very greatly. Sometimes indeed we cannot help laughing to see the names of women figuring among your 'haute noblesse' who would never get inside a decent house anywhere in the States. But more often we are sorry that your social 'leaders' are so easily taken in!"

Here indeed is the sum total of the matter. If Great Britain—and other countries in Europe—but Great Britain especially—did not "receive" and encourage the American Bounder and Bounderess, these objectionable creatures would never be known or heard of. Therefore it is our fault that they exist. Were it not for our short-sighted foolishness, and our proneness to believe that every "Amurrican" with money must be worth knowing, we should be better able to sort the sheep from the goats. We should add to the pleasures of our social life and intercourse an agreeable knowledge of the real American ladies, the real American gentlemen; and though these are seldom seen over here, for the very good reason that they are valued and wanted in their own country, they could at least be certain, when they did come, of being received at their proper valuation, and not