Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/248

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  • pathize, to counsel and to endure than the highest

qualities of the hero or the saint. It is by this alone that the married life attains its full perfection."

And when we hear, as we so often do, of the complete failure and deplorable disaster attending many marriages, let us look for the root of the evil at its foundation,—namely the decay of home life, the neglect and avoidance of home and home duties,—the indifference to, or scorn of home influence. For whenever any woman, rich or poor, high in rank or of humble estate, throws these aside, and turns her back on Home, her own natural, beautiful and thrice-blessed sphere of action, she performs what would be called the crazed act of a queen, who, called to highest sovereignty, casts away her crown, breaks her sceptre, tramples on her royal robes, and steps from her throne, down;—down into the dust of a saddened world's contempt.