Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/282

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  • ground, considerably worsted in the unequal Combat.

Protect me, merciful Deity, from her Tongue!—which is as a Sword to slay all thoughts of Peace! And, concerning the accursed, ubiquitous Journallist-Reporter-Paragraphist-Correspondent-Attached-to-all-Newspapers Man, who, for my sins, wrote my "speech to the Electors" at a high charge, and agreed,—and therefore expects,—to write all my other public utterances on the same terms, I beseech Thee, when he next waits upon me with his Bill, ready to Counsel or to Command, grant me the Strength and Courage to tell a more barefaced Lie than is habitual to me, and to boldly say that I can do Without him!
