Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/353

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9. Shoals of MSS. sent by literary aspirants to be "placed" or "recommended."

10. Free circulation of lies, caricatures, and slanders concerning oneself, one's personality, friends, ways of work, and general surroundings.

11. The grudging and bitter animosity of rival contemporaries.

12. Persistent public and private mis-representation of one's character, aims, and intentions.

But all these things taken together weigh very little when compared with the other side of the medal—the interior and invisible delight and charm of the Life Literary—the unpurchasable and never-failing happiness which no external advantage can give, no inimical influence take away. It is well-nigh impossible to enumerate the pleasures that attend the lover and servant of Literature; they are multitudinous, and, like all things spiritual, outweigh all things temporal. Here are just a few among the kindly and constant favours of the gods:—

1. The power and affluence of creative thought.

2. A perpetual sense of intimate participation in the wonders of Nature and Art.

3. A keen perception of the beautiful.

4. Intense delight in the genius of all great men and women.

5. A cheerful and contented spirit.

6. Constant variety of occupation.

7. Joy in simple things.

8. The love of friends that are tried and true.

9. The never-wearying interest of working to try and give pleasure to one's reading public.

10. The gifts and glories of Imagination.