Page:Free Opinions, Freely Expressed on Certain Phases of Modern Social Life and Conduct.djvu/62

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believe Christ was an Incarnation of God,—then does it not behove you to listen when God speaks? Or is it a matter of indifference to you that the Maker and Upholder of millions of universes should have condescended to come and teach you how to live? If it is, then stand forth and let us see you! Do not attend places of worship merely to be noticed by your neighbours. For,—apart from such conduct being strictly forbidden by Christ,—you insult other persons by your presence as a liar and hypocrite. This is what you may call a "rude" statement;—plain-speaking and truth-telling are always called "rude." You will find the utmost plain-speaking in the Gospels upon which you profess to pin your faith. If you have any "fancy Ritualism" lurking about you, you will discover that "forms" are not tolerated by the Saviour of mankind.

"All their works they do for to be seen of men; they make broad their phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments."

"Shows" of religion are severely censured and condemned by Him whose commands we assume to try and obey—we can scarcely find even a peg whereon to hang an excuse for our practice of praying in public, while "vain repetitions" of prayer are expressly prohibited. I repeat—Read the Four Gospels; they are very much mis-read in these days, and even in the Churches are only gabbled. See if your private and personal lives are in keeping with the commands there set down. If not, cease to play Humbug with the Eternities;—they will avenge themselves upon your hypocrisy in a way you dream not of! "Whosoever excuses himself accuses himself."