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of their constituents? But not only in Parliament, but in a great many municipal assemblies also we find members belonging to the working-class or representing its interests.

And all this has been accomplished in a few years. It is only twenty-four years since the labour party unfurled its banner there. And what has been tried and done during those twenty-two years to suppress the labour movement! It has been ridiculed, scorned, incriminated. Many of its prominent leaders have been put into prison. Many were deprived of their offices and situations, and customers. In spite of all this it grew and thrived. In France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria, Russia, Italy, Spain, and now in England—everywhere throughout the civilised world Socialism has taken root. Everywhere it has begun the struggle against capital, monopoly, and class rule, and its victory is assured. Concerning Socialism there might be said what was said in olden times about Christianity: If it is bad it will die of its own badness; if it is good it will conquer the world in spite of all persecutions!

And Socialism will conquer the world. Its principles will carry the whole human race to a higher state of perfection.

Reader, you may judge for yourself and decide either in favour of or against Socialism. If you think the aims and endeavours of the Socialists deserve your hatred, try to crush them; if, on the contrary, you are convinced that they are good, that the Socialists endeavour to promote the happiness and welfare of mankind, join them! And if you do not like to act publicly, help them secretly. Try to propagate their principles among your acquaintances, explaining them in your intercourse, destroying the falsehoods brought against them. Tell them that the Socialists form the true and only party of the working people. And if you are a capitalist yourself, reflect how much nobler it in to help to promote the welfare of the many than to serve only your own interest, ugly and hideous Egoism.


The Organ of the Social-Democracy.
Weekly, One Penny.

Justice Printery, 337, Strand, London, W.C.