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If you fear, from former cases,
That the audience p'raps may fail
To appreciate your paces
Your allusions and your graces,
Look a moment in their faces!
They will tell another tale.

Oft from long campaigns returning
Thro' the devious roads of learning
These have wandered, books in hand:
Nature gave them keen discerning
Eyes; and you have set them burning!
Sharpest thought or deepest yearning—
Speak, and these will understand.


Quite so; I'll turn then to his Prologues straight,
And make in that first part of tragedy
My first review in detail of this Genius!
[His exposition always was obscure.]


Which one will you examine!


Which? Oh, lots!
First quote me that from the Oresteia, please.


Ho, silence in the court! Speak, Aeschylus.