Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/463

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Aqueducts of Rome, II. 76–78

forged name in place of other waters belongs to the lesser misdemeanours. But among the frauds that seemed to demand correction, is to be mentioned what took place in the vicinity of the Caelian and Aventine Hills. These hills, before the construction of Claudia, utilized the waters of Marcia and Julia; but after the Emperor Nero led Claudia over the arches at Spes Vetus up to the Temple of the Deified Claudius,[1] in order to distribute it from there, the first named waters, instead of being augmented by this new supply, were themselves allowed to go unused[2]; for he did not build new reservoirs for Claudia, but used those that already existed; and the old name of these remained, although the water had become a new one.

With this, enough has been said about the volume of each aqueduct, and, if I may so express it, about a new way of acquiring water[3]; about frauds and about offences committed in connection with all this. It remains to account in detail for the supply delivered (which we found given collectively and in a lump sum, so to speak,—and even set down under false entities),[4] and to do this according to the several aqueducts and to the several wards of the City. I know very well that such an enumeration will appear not only dry but also complicated; nevertheless, I will make it—but as short as possible—that nothing may be lacking to the data of this office. Those who are satisfied with knowing the totals, may skip the details.

Now the distribution of the 14,018 quinariae is so recorded that the 771 quinariae[5] which are transferred

  1. Cf. 20.
  2. Since Frontinus in 87 speaks of the rebuilding of Marcia under Trajan, it is probable that after Claudia was brought to this quarter, the aqueducts previously supplying it were allowed to fall into disuse.
  3. i.e. by discovering and correcting frauds.
  4. i.e. the supply of one aqueduct had been accredited to another.
  5. These 771 quinariae are made up as follows:
    •  92 from Marcia to Tepula,
    • 164 from Marcia to Anio (Vetus),
    • 190 from Julia to Tepula,
    • 163 from Anio Novus to Tepula,
    • 1͟6͟2 from Claudia to Julia.
    • 771 quinariae.