Page:Frontinus - The stratagems, and, the aqueducts of Rome (Bennet et al 1925).djvu/489

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Aqueducts of Rome, II. 101–102

on official business, the Senate had commanded the lictors to accompany them. For myself, when I go about to examine the aqueducts, my self-reliance and the authority given me by the sovereign will stand in place of the lictors.

As I have followed the matter down to the introduction of the commissioners, it will not be out of place now to subjoin the names of those who followed Messala[1] in this office up to my incumbency:—To Messala succeeded, under the consulate of Silius and Plancus,[2] Ateius Capito; to Capito, under the consulate of Gains Asinius Pollio and Gaius Antistius Vetus,[3] Tarius Rufus; to Tarius, under the consulate of Servius Cornelius Cethegus and Lucius Visellius Varro,[4] Marcus Cocceius Nerva, the grandfather of the Deified Nerva, who was also noted as learned in the science of law. To him succeeded, under the consulate of Fabius Persicus and Lucius Vitellius,[5] Gaius Octavius Laenas; to Laenas, under the consulate of Aquila Julianus and Nonius Asprenas,[6] Marcus Porcius Cato. To him succeeded, after a month, under the consulate of Servius Asinius Celer and Aulus Nonius Quintilianus,[7] Aulus Didius Gallus; to Gallus, under the consulate of Quintus Veranius and Pompeius Longus,[8] Gnaeus Domitius Afer; to Afer, under the fourth consulate of Nero Claudius Caesar, and that of Cossus, the son of Cossus,[9] Lucius Piso; to Piso, under the consulate of Verginius Rufus and Memmius Regulus,[10] Petronius Turpilianus; to Turpilianus, under the consulate of Crassus Frugi and Lecanius Bassus,[11] Publius Marius; to Marius, under the consulate of Lucius Telesinus and Suetonius Paulinus,[12] Fonteius Agrippa; to

  1. Messala succeeded to Agrippa, lander the consulate of Q. Aelius Tubero and Paulus Fabius Maximus, according to Varro.
  2. A.D. 13.
  3. A.D. 23.
  4. A.D. 24.
  5. A.D. 34.
  6. A.D. 38.
  7. Consules suffecti in 38 A.D., according to the conjecture of Nipperdey.
  8. A.D. 49.
  9. A.D. 60.
  10. A.D. 63.
  11. A.D. 64.
  12. A.D. 66.