Page:Fruits and Farinacea the Proper Food of Man.djvu/37

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reigned throughout the whole creation; and when a perpetual spring rendered the earth abundantly productive. Ovid[1] thus describes this state:

"The golden age was first, when man, yet new,
No rule but uncorrupted reason knew;
And, with a native bent, did good pursue.
Unforced by punishment, unawed by fear,
His words were simple and his soul sincere.
Needless was written law, where none oppressed;
The law of man was written in his breast.
No suppliant crowds before the judge appeared;
No court erected yet, nor cause was heard;
But all was safe; for conscience was their guard.
The mountain trees in distant prospect please,
Ere yet the pine descended to the seas:
Ere sails were spread, new oceans to explore;
And happy mortals, unconcerned for more,
Confined their wishes to their native shore.
No walls were yet; nor fence, nor moat, nor mound,
Nor drum was heard, nor trumpet's angry sound;
Nor swords were forged; but, void of care and crime,
The soft creation slept away their time.
The teeming earth, yet guiltless of the plough,
And unprovoked, did fruitful stores allow:
Content with food which nature freely bred,
On wildings and on strawberries they fed;
Cornels and bramble-berries gave the rest,
And falling acorns furnished out a feast.
The flowers, unsown, in fields and meadows reigned;
And western winds immortal spring maintained.
In following years, the bearded corn ensued
From earth unasked, nor was that earth renewed.
From veins of valleys milk and nectar broke;
And honey sweating through the pores of oak."

5. The same poet—after describing the horrid cruelties inflicted upon animals, in order to appropriate their flesh as food—observes:

"Not so the golden age, who fed on fruit,
Nor durst with bloody meals their mouths pollute.
Then birds in airy space might safely move,
And timorous hares on heaths securely rove:
Nor needed fish the guileful hooks to fear.
For all was peaceful; and that peace sincere."[2]

6. The golden age is described, in heathen mythology, as under the dominion of Saturn; when, according to Dicearchus, as related by Saint Jerome in his books on Grecian antiquities, no man ate flesh; but all lived

  1. Metamorphoses, Book i., L. 118; Dryden's translation.
  2. Metamorphoses, Book xv., L. 187; Dryden's translation.