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[Chap. VII.
\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative a' { \key fis \minor \time 6/4 \mark \markup \tiny { (\italic"c") } <<
    { a2. ^~ a8 cis b a a gis |
      gis2. ^~ gis8 b a g g fis | fis eis fis4 } \\
    { gis8 gis fis e e dis dis2. _~ |
      dis8 fis e d d cis cis2. _~ | cis4 b2 } >> }
  \new Staff \relative c' { \clef bass \key fis \minor <<
    { cis8 e dis cis cis b b2. ^~ |
      b8 d cis b b a a2. ^~ | a4. } \\
    { fis2. _~ fis8 a gis fis fis e |
      e2. _~ e8 gis fis e e d | d2. } >> } >>

The first bar of (a) consists of the codetta, with the addition of a middle part; the rest of it, as will be seen, is made out of the first notes of the countersubject. At (b) the same theme is seen in the bass, with free upper parts; while at (c) it is treated sequentially, the outer parts which move in tenths imitating the inner parts moving in thirds. Here again, though the fugue is for four voices, two out of the three episodes are in only three parts.

222. In § 191 we gave the subject of the seventh fugue in the 'Wohltemperirtes Clavier.' In the second bar was seen a codetta before the entry of the answer, the reason for which we showed. From this codetta the episodes of the fugue are chiefly developed.

J. S. Bach. Wohltemperirtes Clavier, Fugue 7.

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
  \new Staff \relative b'' { \key ees \major \time 4/4 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny { (\italic"a") } <<
    { bes2 ^~ | bes16 bes g ees des bes' g des c8 ees aes4 ^~ |
      aes16 aes f d c aes' f c bes8 d g4 ^~ |
      g ^~ ^~ g16 c, d ees f4. ees8 ^~ | ees16[ d] } \\
    { d8 f d bes | ees r r4 r8 ees c aes |
      d r r4 r8 d bes g | c bes aes4 _~ aes16 c bes aes g4 | f } >> }
  \new Staff \relative b { \clef bass \key ees \major
    bes16 f' d bes aes f' d aes |
    g8 ees' r ees, aes16 ees' c aes g ees' c g |
    f8 d' r d, g16 d' bes g f des' bes f |
    e c' g e f c' aes f d bes' f d ees bes' g ees | bes8 } >>

In this episode the codetta is treated by sequential imitation between the outer parts with a middle part, made from the augmentation of the semiquaver figure of the bass. The first part of the next episode

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  \new Staff \relative e'' { \key ees \major \time 4/4 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny { (\italic"b") }
    << { ees16 bes' g ees des bes' g d | c8 aes' } \\ { ees8 r s4 c } >>
    r8 aes d16 aes' f d c aes' f c | %over the page
    b8 g' r g, c16 g' e c bes g' ees bes |
    a g' c, g aes f' d a g f' d b g ees' c g |
    fis ees' c fis, f d' b f e d' b g ees c' g ees |
    d c' a f d b' a b c8 }
  \new Staff \relative e' { \clef bass \key ees \major <<
    { s4 ees ^~ | ees16 ees c aes g ees' c g f8 aes d4 ^~ | %over page
      d16 d b g f d' b f e8 g c4 ^~ |
      c b8 c d r r4 | s1 | r2 c16[ bes] } \\
    { g8 bes g ees | aes r r4 r8 aes f d | %over page
      g8 r8 r4 r8 g e c | f ees d c b g c bes |
      a a' b g c g aes ees | f ees16 f g8 g, c } >> } >>