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[Chap. VIII.

283. From the numerous stretti found in this fugue, we select two for quotation.

Mozart. Mass in C, No. 12.

\new ChoirStaff << \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
  \new Staff \relative c'' { \key c \major \time 2/2 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny { (\italic"a") }
    r2 r4^"CS" c2 b4 | r g'2 fis4 | fis,2 g | R1*2 | c2^"S" d |
    c r4 f, | bes bes bes4. bes8 | a4 bes8 c d4 c8 d |
    e4 d8 e f2 ~ | f1 | e2 f }
  \new Staff \relative g' { \clef alto \key c \major
    r2 | r g^"A" | b a | r4 d, g g | g4. g8 fis2 | r g^"S" |
    a g | r4 c, f f | f4. f8 e4 d8 e | f2 d4 g ~ | g c, c a'8 bes |
    c4 bes8 a g2 ~ g f }
  \new Staff \relative d' { \clef tenor \key c \major
    d2^"S" | e d | r4 g, c c | c4. c8 b4 g8 a | b4 a8 b c4 b8 c |
    b c d b e2 | R1 | r2 c^"S" | d c | r4 f,4 bes bes |
    bes4. bes8 a4 f8 g | a4 g8 a bes4 a8 bes | c d c bes a2^"&c." }
  \new Staff \relative g, { \clef bass \key c \major
    g2 | R1*3 | g'2^"S" a | g r4 c, | f! f f4. f8 | e d c bes a2 |
    g c | f r | R1*2 r2 f } >>

Here not more than three of the voices are engaged with the subject at the same time. It will be seen that the entries in the bass and treble are per arsin et thesin, and that the last