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Chap. III.]

97. Our next examples are more modern—

Mendelssohn. 'Christus.

 \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative b, { \clef bass \key bes \major \time 4/4 \partial 8*5 \mark \markup \tiny { ( \italic a ) }
    bes8^\markup \bold "S" d[ f bes8. bes16] |
    bes2 bes8 f g a | bes4 bes8 c des2 | c }
  \new Staff \relative f { \clef tenor \key bes \major
    f8^\markup \bold "A" a[ c f8. f16] |
    f2 f8 c c d | ees4 ees f ges2 | f4 s } >>

Schumann. 'Faust.'

 \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative b { \clef tenor \key bes \major \time 4/4 \partial 16 \mark \markup \tiny { ( \italic b ) }
    bes16^\markup \bold "S" | bes4 f8. d'16 d4 bes8. g'16 |
    g4. g8 f4 bes, | ees4. ees8 d4 }
  \new Staff \relative f' { \key bes \major
    f16^\markup \bold "A" | f4 c8. a'16 a4 f8. d'16 |
    d4. d8 c4 f, | bes4. bes8 a } >>

It is only needful to remark that in the latter part of example (a) there is a modulation. The principle by which this part of the answer is regulated will be explained in the next chapter.

98. In Cherubini's Treatise on Fugue we find the following example of a real answer to a subject going to the dominant through the third of the scale—

Cherubini. Treatise on Fugue.

 \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative g' { \key g \major \time 4/4
    r8^\markup \bold "S" g b d e4. d8 | cis a c e d4. c8 | b }
  \new Staff \relative d' { \clef alto \key g \major
    r8^\markup \bold "A" d fis a b4. a8 |
    gis e g b a4. g8 | fis } >>

Cherubini gives this without a word of explanation; it is clear, therefore, that he did not regard it as an irregularity.

99. Two more passages will complete our illustrations of this point—

Clementi. Gradus ad Parnassum, No. 45.

 \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative c'' { \key c \minor \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny { ( \italic a ) }
    c4(^\markup \bold "S" ees) r8 g g g | d4( f) r8 g g g_"&c." }
  \new Staff \relative g { \clef bass \key c \minor
    g4(^\markup \bold "A" bes) r8 d d d | a4( c) r8 d d d } >>

Verdi. Requiem.

 \new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff \relative f' { \key f \major \time 2/2 \mark \markup \tiny { ( \italic b ) }
    f4. f8 a4 c | f2 e | d c4 bes | a_"&c." }
  \new Staff \relative c' { \key f \major
    c4. c8 e4 g | c2 b | a g4 f | e } >>