Page:Fumifugium - John Evelyn (1661).djvu/43

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The Smoak of London dissipated.

pours that distempered the Ae,See Hipp. de Flatibus & Gal. l. Cib. boni & mali succi, instancing in Corn and Water, poyson'd by ill Aer. to the very raising of Storms and Tempests; upon which a Philosopher might amply discourse. And if such care was taken for the Country, where the more Aereall parts predominate, and are in comparison free; how much greater ought there to be for the City, where are such Multitudes of Inhabitants concern'd? And surely it was so of old, when (to object all that can be replied against it) even for the very Service of God, the Sacrifices were to be burnt without the Camp; amongst the Jews; as (of old) amongst the Romans, Hominem mortuum in urbe ne sepelito, nevè urito. That Men should burn, or bury the Dead within the City Walls, was expresly prohibited by a Law of the XII. Tables; and truely, I am perswaded, that the frequency of Church-yards, and Charnel-House contamminate the Aer, in many parts of this Town, as well as the Pumps and Waters, which are any thing near unto them, so that those Pipes and Conveyances which passe through them (obnoxious to many dangerous accidents) ought either to be directed some other way, or very carefully to be looked after.

We might add to these, Chandlers and Butchers, because of those horrid stinks, niderous and unwholsome smells which proceed from the Tallow, and corrupted Blood: At least should no Cattel be kill'd within the City (to this day observ'd in the Spanish great Towns of America) since the Flesh and Candles might so easily be brought to the Shambles and Shops from other places lesse remote then the former; by which means also, might be avoided the driving of Cattel through the Streets, which is a very great inconvenience and some danger: The same might be affirm'd of Fishmongers, so wittily perstringed by Erasmus, Ίχθνοφαγίαper Salsamentarios nempe, inquinari Civitatem, infici terram, flumina, aerem & ignem, & si quod aliud est elementum. Then for the Butcher; That the Lex Carnaria of the Romans forbad them to kill, or have their Slaughter-houses within the Walls; that they had a certain Station assign'd them without; ne si passim vivant, totam urbem reddant pestiletem¨ So, as were the people to choose, malunt (says he) habere vicinos decem Lenones, quam unum Lanionem; They would rather dwell neer Ten Bawds, then one Butcher: But this is insulsus Salsamentarius, a quibble of the Fishmongers. I could yet wish that our Nasty Prisons and Common Goales might bear them Company; since I affirm they might all be remov'd to some distant places neer the River, the situa-
