Page:Fun upon fun, or, Leper, the tailor (3).pdf/15

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                  not ken that tailors potage is heavier than
                  other mens. Indeed lad I believe it, but
                  they say ye're a warlock; its Wednes-
                  day all the world o'er, and a waefu' Wed-
                  nesday to me indeed, my pot might ha'e
                  served me this fifty year, a sae wad it
                    This sport diverted Leper and his lads
                  through the day; and after supper, know-
                  ing he was to get some dirty bed, as the
                  cows and the people lived all in one apart-
                  ment, he choose rather to go home; and
                  knowing the moon was to rise a little after
                  midnight, he sat by the fire, told them many
                  a fine story to drive away the time, and
                  bade the wife make the bed to see how it
                  might be: to save candle she made it in
                  the dark, directly on the floor behind where
                  they sat, shaking down two bottles of straw;
                  a calf which chanced to be lying on that
                  place, and which the wife did not notice was
                  covered with the straw, and the bed clothes
                  spread over it. The most of the family be-
                  ing in bed, the wife told them to go to bed
                  also, but Leper knowing of the calf, said
                  I'll make my bed come to me, on which the
                  wife began to pray for herself and all that
                  was in the house; so up he gets his elwand,
                  and gives a stroke on the bed which caused
                  the brute to rise, and not seeing where to
                  go, it fell a crying and turned round, which