Page:Fun upon fun, or, Leper, the tailor (3).pdf/17

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                     advises him to bury him privately. The
                     laird said he had not a servant he could
                     trust, so begged Leper to do it. Leper re-
                     fuses, till the laird promises him a load of
                     meal, then Leper pulls out all the hay out
                     of the groom's clothes, goes and gets his
                     load of meal, and sends it to Glasgow,--
                     then goes to the groom, and says, lad thy
                     master is wanting thee. So the lad in all
                     haste runs to see what his master wanted,
                     the laird no sooner saw him open the door,
                     than he cried out, Avoid thee Satan, avoid
                     thee Satan! The lad says, what's the mat-
                     ter? Did not you hang yourself this morn-
                     ing? Lord forbid! said the lad. The laird
                     says if thou be an earthly creature, take
                     that tankard and drink: which he did; then
                     says he to his master, Leper called me up,
                     and said you wanted me in all haste. Ho,
                     ho, said the laird, I find out the story now,
                     if I had Leper I would run my sword thro
                     him; but Leper before that was gone for
                     Glasgow with his meal.
                       Leper was in use to give his lads their
                     Sunday's supper, which obliged him to stay
                     from the kirk in the afternoon, he having
                     neither wife nor servant maid; so one Sun-
                     day afternoon as he was cooking his pot,
                     John Mucklecheek, and James Puff-and-
                     blaw, two civileers, having more zeal than
                     knowledge, came upon him, and said.....