Page:Fun upon fun, or, Leper, the tailor (3).pdf/19

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                    carry the pot back again, and to the Prin-
                    cipal, a leg of mutton will not make him
                    and me fall out; so they were forced to
                    carry the pot back again, and Leper caused
                    the boys to huzza after them to their dis-
                      There was a barber who always plagued
                    Leper, and called him prick-the-louse.---
                    Leper resolved to be even with him, so he
                    goes and buys three sheep heads, and sends
                    for the barber, and told him, that there
                    were three fine Southland gentlemen just
                    come to his house, which much wanted to
                    be shaved, and he assured him he would re-
                    ceive sixpence for each one of them ;--this
                    good news made the shaver send for a
                    dram;--- Leper was still praising them for
                    quiet good natured gentlemen. So Leper
                    takes him to the bed where the sheep heads
                    lay covered, and desired him to awaken
                    them for they would not be angry, or say
                    an ill word to him, the barber lifts the cover-
                    ing and sees the sheep heads, runs out
                    cursing and swearing, and Leper crying
                    after him, sheep head barber.
                      The barber resolved to be revenged on
                    Leper, so when he was shaving Mess John,
                    he tells him that Leper was the drunkenest
                    fellow in the parish. So Mess John warns
                    him to the session; Leper comes and says,
                    what do you want with me, Sir? Come