Page:Fun upon fun, or, Leper, the tailor (3).pdf/24

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                  fury about his infidelity towards her. The
                  young rogue laughed heartily at the success
                  of his fraud, and turning to his companions,
                  said to them, "I think I've gi'en her a bane
                  to pike!"
                            SEEING ONE DRUNK.
                    The late Rev. Mr.------, of D-------
                  Aberdeenshire was fond of his friend and a
                  bottle; he sacrificed so often and so freely
                  to the jolly god, that the presbytery could
                  no longer overlook such proceedings, and
                  summoned him before them to answer for
                  his conduct.---One of the elders, and con-
                  stant companion in his social hours, was cited
                  as a witness against him. “Well, John
                  (says one of the presbytery to the elder) did
                  you ever see the Rev. Mr. C------ the worse
                  of drink?"  "Weel a wyte no: "I've mony
                  a time seen him the better o't, but I ne'er
                  saw him the war o't.". "But did you never
                  see him drunk?”  "That's what I'll ne'er
                  see, for before he be half slockened, I'm aye
                  blind fu'.”.