Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/12

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and Leper's patience being worn out with the laziness of his two sisters, be resolved to play a trick on them, for their reformation ; so he goes and gets a mortcloth, and spreads it on the bed above them, and sends the dead bell through the town, inviting the people next day, at four o'clock, afternoon, to the burial of his two sisters, for they had died suddenly : this brought all the neighbouring wives in, who one after another lifted up the mortcloth, and said with a sigh, They've gone to their Test, a sudden call indeed! Their aunt, hearing of this sudden news, came ru- ning in all baste, and coming where the jades' mither was at work, and was ignorant the story she cries out, 'Fye upon ye, woman, fye upon ye!'. What's the matter, sister, says she ? What's the matter! I think you might let your work star for raeday, (illegible text) when yourcaugha ters are baith lying corpse.' My bairns corpse! I am certain they went to bed hale and fair last night. But I tell you,' says the other, the dead bell has