Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/14

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began to operate, and she let a great fart. Well done Margaret, says the Laird, your arse would take a cautioner ; be- fore she got out of the chamber door she let fly another crack; then she goes to order her fellow servant to give the Laird his supper, but before she could give the necessary directions, she gave fire again, which set then all a laugh- ing. She runs into a room herself, and there she played a way her own gun-bat- tery so fast, that you would have thought she had been besieging the Han- vannah. The lord and Lady ca ne to hear the fun : they were like to split their sides at proud Maggy. So next morning she left her place, to the great satisfaction of her fellow servants.

PART II. LEPER's landlady became very harsh to his master, and very often abused him exceedmgly (illegible text) sore with her ongue and hands, and always called upon pin for more money, and to have all the money