Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/20

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on the floor, behind where they sat sha- king down two bottles of straw; a calf, which chanced to be lving on that place, and which the wife did not notice, was covered with the scraw, and the bed clothes spread over it. The most of the family being in bed, the wife told them to go to bed also ; but Leper, knowing of she calf, said, I'll make my bed come to me on which the wife be- gan to pray for herself and all that was in the house, so up he gets his elwand, and gives a stroke on the bed, which caused the brute to rise, and not seeing where to go, it fell a crying, and turned round, which set the whole house a roar- ing out murder in their own tongue. The good wife ran to the bed above the goodman, and the whole family cried out, not knowing what it was; but Le- per and his two lads whipt off the blank- ets, and the brute ran in among the rest: unperceived; then Leper lighted a can- dle, and all of them got out of bed, paid Leper for his work, and more it he please- ed, and begged him to go away, and.