Page:Fun upon fun, or, The comical and merry tricks of Leper the tailor (5).pdf/23

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(illegible text) Principal's mutton ? Leper replied, 'How came your civileers to take away my kail pot? I m sure there a less eia in making a pot full of kail, than roast. ng a 'leg of metton, law makers should not be low rakets, so I demand justice on the civileers!' The prorost asked him what justice he would have? ays lie, Make them carry the pot back again ; and o the Principal, a leg of mutton won't make him nd me fall out; so they were forced to carry the yot back. and Leper caused the boys to huzza af- ter them to their disgrace. There was a barber who always plagued Leper, and called him prick-the-louse. leper resolved to e even with him so he goes and buys three sheep eads, and sends for the burber.ani told him that shere were three fine Southland gentlemen just- Hare to his house, wo much wanted to be share d, and le assured him he would receive sixpence or each one o! then ;--this good news made the haver send for a dram. Leper was still praising her for quiet good naturel gentlemen so Leper akes him to the bed where the sheep-leads lay lovered, and desires him to awaken them, for-they would not be angry, or say an ill word to him ne barber lifts the covering, and sees the sheep- pade, runs out cursing and sharing, and Leper rying after h m, skerp lead barber. The barber resolved to he revenged on Leper, when he was shaving Mess John, he tells him at Leper was the drunkenst fellow in his pa- h : so Mess John warns him to the session. per comes, and sacs. What do you want with me, r? Come away. Leper, says Mess John, I bear dad report of you; Me sir, I am sure they were