56 THE FUR COUNTRY. " Never mind about me, Lieutenant," she said ; " act as if I were not present. Let us start immediately, as our brave guide suggests," " We are off, then," cried Norman, letting go the moorings, '* to the fort by the shortest route." For about an hour the bark made little head. The sail, scarcely filled by the fitful breeze, flapped against the mast. The fog became thicker. The waves began to rise and the boat to rock consider- ably; for the approaching hurricane affected the water sooner than the atmosphere itself. The two travellers sat still and silent, whilst the old sailor peered into the darkness with bloodshot eyes. Prepared for all contingencies, he awaited the shock of the wind, ready to pay out rapidly should the attack be very violent. The conflict of the elements had not, however, as yet commenced ; and all would have been well if they had been able to advance, but after an hour's sail they were still only about two hours' distance from the Indian encampment. A few gusts of wind from the shore drove them out of their course, and the dense fog rendered it impossible for them to make out the coast-line. Should the wind settle in the north it would probably go hard with the light boat, which, unable to hold its own course, would be drifted out into the lake no one knew where. "We are scarcely advancing at all," said the Lieutenant to old Norman. " No, sir," replied Norman ; "the wind is not strong enough to fill the sail, and if it were, I fear it comes from the wrong quarter. If so," he added, pointing to the south, " we may see Fort Franklin before Fort Confidence." "Well," said Mrs Barnett cheerfully, "our trip will have been all the more complete. This is a magnificent lake, well worth ex- ploring from north to south. I suppose, Norman, one might get back even from Fort Franklin % " " Yes, madam, if we ever reach it," replied the old man. " But tempests lasting fifteen days are by no means rare on this lake ; and if our bad luck should drive us to the south, it may be a month before Lieutenant Hobson again sees Fort Confidence." " Let us be careful, then," said the Lieutenant ; " for such a delay would hinder our projects very much. Do the best you can under the circumstances, and if you think it would be prudent, go back to the north. I don't suppose Mrs Barnett would mind a walk of twenty or twenty-five miles."
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