70 THE FUR COUNTRY, Craventy. He must therefore make for that point, and should the site appear suitable the new fort would be erected there. " There," said the Lieutenant to his subordinate, Long, " we shall be in the position ordered by the Company. There the sea, open for a great part of the year, will allow the vessels from Behring Strait to come right up to the fort, bringing us fresh provisions and taking away our commodities." " Not to mention," added Sergeant Long, " that our men will be entitled to double pay all the time they are beyond the seventieth parallel." " Of course that is understood," replied Hobson ; " and I daresay they will accept it without a murmur." " Well then, Lieutenant,'* said Long simply, " we have now only to start for Cape Bathurst." But as a day of rest had been promised, the start did not actually take place until the next day, June 6th. The second part of the journey would naturally be very different from the first. The rules with regard to the sledges keeping their rank need no longer be enforced, and each couple drove as it pleased them. Only short distances were traversed at a time halts were made at every angle of the coast, and the party often walked. Lieutenant Hobson only urged two things upon his companions : not to go further than three miles from the coast, and to rally their forces twice a day, at twelve o'clock and in the evening. At night they all encamped in tents. The weather continued very fine and the temperature moderate, maintaining a mean height of 59° Fahrenheit above zero. Two or three times sudden snowstorms came on ; but they did not last long, and exercised no sensible influence upon the temperature. The whole of the American coast between Capes Krusenstem and Parry, comprising an extent of more than two hundred and fifty miles, was examined with the greatest care between the 6th and 20th of June, Geographical observations were accurately taken, and Hobson, most effectively aided by Thomas Black, was able to rectify certain errors in previous marine surveys ; whilst the primary object of the expedition — the examination into the quality and quantity of the game in the surrounding districts — was not neglected. Were these lands well stocked with game? Could they count with certainty not only on a good supply of furs, but also of meat t Would the resources of the country provide a fort with provisions in
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