82 THE FUR COUNTRY. Thomas Black read on the graduated limbs the value of the angles they had just obtained, and at once proceeded to note down their observations. , A few minutes afterwards, Lieutenant Hobson rose and said, addressing his companions — "My friends, from this date, July 6th, I promise you double pay in the name of the Hudson's Bay Company ! " " Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah for the Company ! " shouted the worthy companions of the Lieutenant with one voice. Cape Bathurst and its immediate neighbourhood were in very truth above the seventieth degree of north latitude. We give the result of these simultaneous observations, -which agreed to a second. Longitude, 127° 36' 12" west of the meridian of Greenwich. Latitude, 70" 44' 37" north. And that very evening these hardy pioneers, encamped so far from the inhabited world, watched the mighty luminary of day touch, the edges of the western horizon without dipping beneath it. For the first time they saw the shining of the midnight sun.
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