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212 THE FUR COUNTRY. " I quite agree with yon, sir," replied Long, " and the sooner we find out the better.'" " But it will necessitate our going down to the south of the island." " I am ready, sir." " I know, Sergeant, that you are always ready to do your duty ; but you will not go alone. Two of us ought to go, that we may be able to let our comrades know if any land is in sight ; and besides I must see for myself ... we will go together." " When you like, Lieutenant, just when you think best."

    • We will start this evening at nine o'clock, when everybody else

has gone to bed." " Yes, they would all want to come with us," said Long, " and they must not know why we go so far from the factory." "No, they must not know," replied Hobson, "and if I can. I will keep the knowledge of our awful situation from them until the end." " It is agreed then, sir ? " " Yes. You will take a tinder-box and some touchwood^ with you, so that we can make a signal if necessary — if land is in sight in the south, for instance." " Yes, sir." " We shall have a rough journey, Sergeant.** " What does that matter, sir ; but by the way — the lady ? " " I don't think I shall tell her. She would want to go with us." " And she could not," said the Sergeant, " a woman could not battle with such a gale. Just see how its fury is increasing at tills moment ! " Indeed the house was rocking to such an extent that it seemed likely to be torn from its foundations. " No," said Hobson, *' courageous as she is, she could not, she ought not to accompany us. But on second thought* it will be best to tell her of our project. She ought to know in case any accident should befall us " . . " Yes," replied Long, " we dught not to keep anything from hei^ and if we do not come back "... " At nine o'clock then. Sergeant," " At nine o'clock." ^ A fungua used as tinder (Folyporous igniarius).