2/2 THE FUR COUNTRY, noises made by the reindeer, then continued his walk round the palisade, and at last came and leant his great head against one of the windows of the large room. To own the truth everybody started back, several of the soldiers seized their guns, and Sergeant Long began to fear he had let the joke go too far. But Kalumah came forward, and looked through the thin parti- tion with her sweet eyes. The bear seemed to recognise her, at least so she thought, and doubtless satisfied with his inspection^ he gave a hearty growl, and turning away left the enceinte, as Hobson had prophesied, as he entered it. This was the bear's first and last visit to the fort, and on his departure everything went on as quietly as before. The little boy's recovery progressed favourably, and at the end of the month he was as rosy and as bright as ever. At noon on the 3rd of February, the northern horizon was touched with a faint glimmer of light, which did not fade away for an hour, and the yellow disc of the sun appeared for an instant for the first time since the commencement of the long Polar night.
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