BEHRING SEA 309 Mrs Bamett sobbed aloud, and large tears rolled down her cheeks. Madge kissed and caressed her, and tried all she could to reassure her ; and presently, raising her head, her poor mistress said — "Do not tell them, Madge, how I have given way — do not betray that I have wept." " Of course not," said Madge, " and they would not believe me if I did. It was but a moment's weakness. Be yourself, dear girl ; cheer up, and take fresh courage.*' " Do you mean to say you still hope yourself % " exclaimed Mrs Baimett, looking anxiously into her companion's face. " I still hope ! " said Madge simply. But a few days afterwards, every chance of safety seemed to be indeed gone, when the wandering island passed outside the St Matthew group, and drifted away from the last land in Behring Sea !
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