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Concert of Europe, 168
Condé, 9
Co-operation, 78
Corneille, 13
Corps Legislatif of France, 9
Cotton trade, 53-56
Councils Act of 1861, Indian, 214
of 1892, Indian, 214
of 1909, Indian, 213-214
Cromer, Lord, 172
Cromwell, cited, 133
Curzon, Lord, cited, 154, 174, 181, 183, 216, 217-218
Dalhousie, Lord, cited, 174
Democracy and peace, 118 et seq.
in Austria, 138
Derby, Lord, cited, 127
Descartes, 13
De Witt, 16
Dominions and armaments, 166-167
Dual Alliance, 145
Dubois, Abbé, cited, 205
Economy in expenditure, 32
Education, Indian, 204
in London, 96
secondary, 97-103
Educational epochs, 93
Electrical Engineers, President of
Institution of, cited, 64
Electricity and industry, 62-64
Elizabeth, Queen, 15
England, Asiatic opinion of, 17
capital of, 50
coalfields of, 46
European view of, 15-17
and France, 154
greatness of, 17-18
inventive power of, 28-29
militarism in, 8-9
progress of, since 1842, 34
religion in, 6-7
rise of, 29
and Russia, 132
and Spain, 132-133
and United States, 164-165
wealth of, 5
English agricultural labourers, 57-60
English stock, 57
Epictetus, cited, 20, 103
Europe, races of south-eastern, 118
Exports, distribution of, 48
growth of, 48
Family, breakdown of the, 105-106
Ferdinand and Isabella, 23
Ferdinand, Emperor, 12
Fleury, 24
Florence, 22
Forest cantons, 22
France, empire of, 126
influence of, 13-14
in India, 176
Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, cited, 141
Fraser, Sir Andrew, cited, 204-205
Frederick the Great, cited, 11, 135
Free Trade, 32
Froissart, cited, 16
Fuller, Sir Bampfylde, cited, 191, 211
Gaekwar of Earoda, cited, 190
German Emperor and France, 149
Germany and education, 99-101
and Poles, 116
Gibbon, cited, 159, 172, 205
Gladstone, 33
and income tax, 32
cited, 32, 114
Goethe, 14
Gold output, 77
Goldie, Sir George, 172
Goluchowski, Count, cited, 148
Gordon, General, 40
Gortchakoff, cited, 139
Gregory VII., cited, 20
Grey, Sir Edward, cited, 116, 162
on United States, 165
Hague Conference of 1907, 131
Haldane, Lord, cited, 155, 166
Hapsburg, House of, 10-12
Hegel, 14
Herder, 14
Herzegovina, 128
Hindustan in eighteenth century, 176
History of Trade-Unionism, cited, 35-36
Hobbes, cited, 122
Holland, 22
Imperial Advisory Council, 217
Imperial medical staff, 187