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198 GODAVARI. CHAP. XIV. The Two {{ Munici- palities. Rajahmun- dry munici- pality. amounted to only Rs. 4,44,800. Of this sum Rs. 1,44,500 were lent by Government. The scheme was carried out by the Public Works department. Other permanent improvements effected by the council are the construction, at an outlay of Rs. 18,137, of the bridge across the Yeleru; the revetting of the harbour creek for a length of some 270 yards at a cost of Rs. 8,000 in 1902-03 and the reclamation and laying out of a considerable strip of ground formerly covered by the creek; the building of three public markets, the two larger of which cost Rs. 15,000; and the erection of two slaughter-houses costing Rs. 4,000 and of three municipal school-houses at an average cost of some Rs. 1,500 apiece. The clock tower near the bridge was constructed by a private gentleman some 20 years ago, but the municipality contributed Rs. 1,000 to its erection and it now has charge of the building.

No drainage scheme has yet been prepared for Cocanada, but a portion of the town is served by the main sewer leading into the harbour creek which was constructed by the Public Works department at a cost of Rs. 10,000 out of Provincial funds some years ago. Some smaller branch drains lead into this, and the municipality has kept both these and the main sewer in repair at considerable cost.

The council's chief contributions to the medical and educational institutions within the town include the aiding of ten primary schools, the management of a lower secondary and twelve more primary schools, and the upkeep of a hospital and dispensary. The municipality at Rajahmundry was also founded in 1866. The council originally consisted of ten members, but since 1895 the number has been eighteen. The right of electing some of the members was granted in 1884, and twelve councillors and the chairman are now appointed by election. A paid secretary was first entertained in 1897-98. He is selected by the council, subject to the approval of Government.

Very few permanent improvements of any magnitude have been executed by the municipality. Drinking-water is obtained from the Godavari river and the Kambala tank, and nothing of note has been done from municipal funds to improve the supply. Similarly no considerable improvement in the drainage has been eifected or worked out. Three markets have been constructed and two slaughter-houses. A choultry founded in 1873 by Mr. H. Morris, a former Judge, and called by his name was completed by the municipality