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At the great festival, which lasts for a week in the month of Chaitra (April-May), a hook-swinging takes place, but nowadays the man is swung in a basket, or by a hook run through his belt. The festival is a great occasion with the jungle 'Chentzus,' who go there to celebrate their marriages and settle their caste disputes.

Vyágrésvarapuram: Ten miles north-north-west of Amalápuram. A hamlet of Pullétikurru, the population of which is 3,516. The name means 'the place of the tiger god.' It is explained by a legend to the effect that a Bráhman, being pursued by a tiger, climbed a sacred bilva tree; and thence addressed the animal with mantrams and prayers, which so affected its feelings that it turned into the stone lingam which is still worshipped under the name of Vyágrésvara.

A fairly large festival takes place in the village on the Sankránti (i.e. Pongal) day, when some fifteen of the neighbouring gods come to visit this deity.