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Birampalli: Head village of a hill mutta of eleven villages. Lies seven miles south-east of Chódavaram, and contains l66 inhabitants. The people of this mutta joined the rebellion of 1879; but they seem to have been driven to this act by the rapacity of a renter to whom the muttadar had sub-let the property. This renter admitted having made Rs. 300 a year out of it, though the quit-rent was only Rs. 40. At the settlement of 1879 no punishment was imposed upon the people for having joined the late rebellion, as it was conceded that they had some excuse for their action, but the muttadar was deposed for maladministration and the property was given to his brother on a quit-rent of Rs, 42.

Bodulúru; Head village of a hill mutta of the Rampa country, containing 36 villages and paying a quit-rent of Rs. 60. It lies 25 miles north by west of Chódavaram, and contains 90 inhabitants. The muttadar joined in the Rampa rebellion, and had not 'come in' at the time of Mr. Sullivan's settlement. His quit-rent was accordingly raised from Rs. 40 to Rs. 60.

Bolagonda: Head village of a hill mutta; lies eight miles north-east of Chódavaram; population 218. The mansabdar of Rampa obtained possession of this estate in 1867 by means of a forged document purporting to be a deed of resignation by the muttadar. He obtained an income of Rs. 306 out of the property, though the quit-rent was only Rs. 40. The mutta was restored in 1 879 to its former owner, but as he had joined in the fitúri of 1858, and in the 1879 rebellion had been constantly seen with the notorious Tamman Dora and only escaped arrest owing to the absence of direct evidence to connect him with the atrocities committed, his quit-rent was raised to Rs. 60, and the mutta was reduced by granting the village of Vádapalli as a reward to a loyal munsif.

Chavala: An uninhabited village forty-two miles north by west of Chódavaram, Gives its name to a hill mutta, though the chief village of this is now Jájilanka, population 23. The mutta contains 13 villages and pays a quit-rent of Rs. 50. The muttadar joined in the Rampa rebellion and had not 'come in' at the time of Mr. Sullivan's settlement.

Chidugúiru: Uninhabited village ten miles north-west of Chódavaram, which gives its name to a hill mutta containing 36 villages and paying a quit-rent of Rs. 40, the chief village of which is Badagunta. For participation in the rising of 1838-40, the then muttadar was hanged and was succeeded by his brother. In 1872, the Rampa mansabdar took possession of the property on the plea that it had been relinquished